Citation Publisher Location
When referencing print books and reports, provide the publisher name as briefly as possible, without the publication location or superfluous terms or designations of business structure, such as “co.”, “ltd.”, “inc.”, but “do not abbreviate the publisher name unless it is shown in abbreviated form on the work” (apa, 2020, p. List only the first city of publication that is listed in the publication information for the book.
Publisher Citation Guide LibGuides at Mississippi
The place of publication is the name of the city where the publisher is located. the place can be found on the title page or verso of the title page.

Citation publisher location. United states board on geographic names. Instead, the city and the country names should be spelled out. To cite locations outside the united states, spell out the city and the country names.
The publisher is the organization primarily responsible for producing the source or making it available to the public. Luckily, the 11 th edition of the ama manual of style recognizes that this struggle was indeed real, and the publisher’s location is no longer required for reference citations for books and edited books ( 3.12.8 ). The basic apa formatting for a book citation is as follows:
If two or more publisher locations are given, give the location listed first or, if specified, the location of the publisher's home office. For print sources, the location is the page number or range of page numbers. For online sources, the location is the url or doi (if available).
Capital letters also for subtitles. Translated by translator’s preferred name(s) surname. The business words are usually found directly after the name of the publisher.
Next, the title of the book. First, put the last name of the author, followed by a comma, then initial(s). Since the only location cited is st.
Author's last name, first initial. This is true for both apa and mla styles. It is not necessary to identify the state, province, or country after the city name (5.5.2).
166 for one page and pp. In parentheses, put the year of publication. Scroll to the bottom of the monograph looking for a copyright statement or other note about the publisher.
You will find that the copyright is held by —. If you want to quote a source in a text that you write, the first place to look for information about the publisher is the title page, the top of which lists the author and book title, and the bottom of which usually lists the publisher and place, sometimes the year, of publication. Since elsevier is more brief (briefer?) than elsevier/mosby, i'm leaning toward just plain.
Louis mo, i'm okay going with that. 164) if two or more organizations are named in the source and they seem equally responsible for the work, cite each of them, separating the names with a forward slash (/). Include only the name of publishers and omit business words.
Do i need to include the publisher’s location in an apa book citation? In the 7th edition of the apa manual, no location information is required for publishers. Here is a link to the page for citing a whole edited book:
Citing a book follows this specific format: Author last name, first name. For example, if a book was published in boston, new york, chicago, san francisco and los angeles, your mla citation will read:
The place to be included is the one that usually appears on the title page but sometimes on the copyright page of the book cited—the city where the publisher’s main editorial offices are located. Citing a book in print. The 6th edition previously required you to include the city and state where the publisher was located, but this is no longer the case.
To cite a book chapter, start with the author and the title of the chapter (in quotation marks), then give the title (in italics) and editor of the book, the page range of the chapter, the location and name of the publisher, and the year of publication. The publisher is the name of the organization or company responsible for making the work available, and you’ll want to be sure to correctly cite this information. To cite publishers using mla 9:
For publisher locations outside the united states, there is no need to abbreviate the location; Answer the book's title, publisher, and place of publication should appear on the title page of the book, usually one of the first few pages. The location used depends on the medium of the source.
1st footnote or endnote 8. Where two or more cities are given (“chicago and london,” for example, appears on the title page of the print edition of this manual), only the first is normally included in the citation. Now the publisher appears directly after the italicized book title and is followed by the publication year.
If two or more publisher locations are given in the book, give the location listed first or, if specified, the location of the publisher's home office. Author lastname, author first initial(s). How do i know who the publisher of a book is for my citation?
When you have two or more locations in your reference, note the first location in your reference list, and use a colon after the publisher location.
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